

    Effects of modified potassium fertilizer on potassium content and quality of tobacco leaves

    • 摘要: 室内实验证明, 添加吸附材料可使改型钾肥释放钾离子的速度明显慢于普通三元复合肥。盆栽和田间试验结果显示, 硫酸钾经过添加吸附材料改型后施用, 可提高烟叶钾含量; 2002 年下部叶钾含量增加0.52 个百分点, 2003年中部叶钾含量增加0.2 个百分点。施用改型钾肥能改善香气质、提高香气量, 突出表现为烟叶余味更加舒适, 刺激性减轻。


      Abstract: The test results showed that with absorbent added into potassium fertilizer, the releasing velocity of potassium ions was slower than ordinary fertilizer. The results of the pot experiments and field tests were showed that with absorbent added in, the potassium content of tobacco leaves increased, potassium concentration of lower leaves was raised by 0.5 percent in 2002; potassium concentration of central leaves was raised by 0.2 percent in 2003. In addition, the modified fertilizer could improve quality of tobacco aroma, increase quantity oftobacco aroma, amend tobacco aftertaste and alleviate tobacco thrill.


