白肋烟新品种鄂烟4 号选育及其特征特性
Breeding of a new burley variety Eyan 4 and its characteristics
摘要: 鄂烟4 号是1995 年育成的白肋烟雄性不育一代杂交种, 2004 年12 月通过全国烟草品种审定并定名推广。该品种原烟颜色多为近红黄、红黄, 光泽尚鲜明- 鲜明, 叶面平展- 微皱, 身份适中- 稍厚, 叶片结构尚疏松, 外观质量良好。主要化学成分适宜, 比例协调。原烟白肋烟香型特征较明显, 香气量尚足, 余味尚纯净, 质量优于对照。据多年多点试验示范结果, 平均产量为2 342.40 kg/ hm2、产值12 173.40 元/ hm2、均价5.24 元/ kg, 分别比对照增加2.9%、5.8%、2.54%, 上等烟比例20.14%, 比对照提高2.65 个百分点。鄂烟4 号高抗TMV, 抗黑胫病, 中抗根结线虫病。Abstract: A new male- sterile hybrid burley variety Eyan 4 was developed in 1995 and passed the national tobacco evaluation in Dec. 2004. The cured leaves are mainly tannish red or red, with moderate to strong luster,smooth or slightly wrinkled lamina, adequate body, loose structure and harmonious chemical components. The type of aroma belongs to full burley delicacy with pure after taste. The results of multi- location trials for several years showed that the average yield, value, price were 2342.40 kg/hm2, 12173.40 yuan /hm2 and 5.24 yuan /kg respectively, 2.9%, 5.8% and 2.54% higher than the control variety Eyan 1. Eyan 4 showed high resistance to TMV, resistance to black shank, moderate resistance to root- knot nematode.