

    The Analysis of Microstructure of Tobacco Leaf during Maturing

    • 摘要: 不同品种成熟过程略有差别,成熟过程中未熟或初熟到适熟期叶片厚度、栅栏组织细胞长度是逐渐增加的,而后才开始下降,叶片疏松度则是持续增加的。因此在采收适度成熟的叶片,结构疏松度恰当,有利于提高烤烟质量。成熟过程中气孔显微结构比较稳定,但气孔调节能力逐渐下降,保卫细胞内叶绿体数量也是逐渐减少的,可以作为成熟度评价的参考


      Abstract: The maturing process was different between K326 and HD, and the maturity was different in breeds. While maturity thickness of leaf, length of palisade cells increased gradually, then declined, spacing of leaf increased gradually. So the structure of ripe leaf loosened properly, and it made for tobacco quality. The structure of stoma stabilized, but function fall during maturing, and the number of chloroplast in guard cell drooped, and it might be a symbol for maturing.


