

    The Effect of Nitrogen Application and Planting Densities on Microclimate of Field and Output Value of Hongda

    • 摘要: 在大田条件下研究了施氮量和种植密度对红大的农艺性状和产值效益的影响,并测定了不同群体烟田光照强度和田间温度的差异。结果表明:前期叶面积系数主要受施氮量的影响,随着生育期的推移,密度作用加强。团棵期随着施氮量和种植密度的增加,烟株基部的光照强度减弱,在平顶期施氮量和密度互作对烟株下部、中部的光照影响差异明显。一天中烟田不同垂直高度温度随施氮量的增加变化趋于缓和,施氮量越小,温度变化越剧烈。旺长期14点,烟田的最高温度出现在离地面垂直高度为65 cm的冠层,其它时刻随垂直高度的增加而增加。低氮量水平下,增加种植密度可获得较高的产值;高氮水平下,增加种植密度并不能增加产值效益,且使烟叶的质量下降。综合比较,每666.7 m2施5 kg氮,种植1 330株产值效益最好。


      Abstract: In this article, the effect of nitrogen application and planting densities on agronomic character and output of Hongda in the field is researched, and we also measured the difference of light intensity and temperature during different groups. The results showed that leaf area index is preliminary mainly affected by the amount of nitrogen with the advance of growth period, planting density became more important. In Rosette period, light intensity of the base weakened with the increase of nitrogen application and planting densities. But the interaction of nitrogen application and planting densities in Flattened period on the lower, middle parts are clear differences. Temperature changes in different vertical height with the increase of nitrogen, smaller nitrogen application, more drastic temperature changed. In Vigorous period, at 14, the highest temperature in tobacco fields appeared the canopy which was 65 cm height from the ground, other times increased with a vertical height increased At low nitrogen level, increasing planting density could get a higher output, and at high nitrogen level, increasing planting density did not increase the output, but declined in the quality of tobacco. Comprehensively, 5 kg nitrogen and 1,330 strains per 666.7 m2 can reap a best productivity.


