

    Alkaloid Content of Flue-cured Tobacco and Its Correlations with Sensory Quality

    • 摘要: 随机采集了全国9 个省(自治区)烤烟烟叶样品141 份和进口烟叶样品40 份,采用气相色谱法分析了5 种主要生物碱含量,并进行了感官评价。结果表明,国产烟叶生物碱含量变幅大于进口烟叶,烟叶生物碱含量由高到低依次是烟碱、新烟草碱、去甲基烟碱、假木贼碱、麦斯明。各种生物碱的相关关系都达到了极显著正水平。不同地区烤烟总生物碱含量:广西>福建>湖南>山东>贵州>辽宁>云南>河南>四川;烟叶烟碱转化率:下部>上部>中部,烟碱转化率:四川>河南>辽宁>云南>贵州>湖南>山东>福建>广西。四川省烤烟的烟碱和生物碱含量都最低,但其烟碱转化率却最高;广西和福建两省烤烟的烟碱和生物碱都最高,但烟碱转化率却最低。烟叶吸食质量与生物碱有显著的相关关系,其中烟碱对吸食质量影响最大,与香气质、余味、杂气、刺激性4 项指标得分显著负相关。5 种生物碱与烟支综合评价都表现为极显著负相关,但烟碱转化率及烟碱率与感官质量却没有显著的相关关系,烟碱转化率与综合评价也没有显著相关关系。


      Abstract: We randomly selected 146 flue-cured tobacco samples from 9 provinces in China and 40 abroad to determine the alkaloid contents of flue-cured tobacco leaves by gas chromatography, and its variation pattern,geographical distribution and correlation were analyzed. The results showed that for domestic samples, the alkaloid content variation were wider than that abroad, the contents of total alkaloid and nicotine were high, while the nornicotine, the myosmine, the anabasine and the anatabine alkaloids were low, the alkaloids were ranked from high to low as nicotine, anatabine, nornicotine, anabasine and myosmine. There was a positive correlation among nicotine, nornicotine, myosmine, anabasine and anatabine. There exsisted highly significant difference in alkaloid contents among different leaf positions, which ranked from high to low as B2F, C3F and X2F. In terms of nicotine conversion rates, grades were ranked from high to low as B2F, C3F and X2F. There was highly significant difference in nicotine content and nicotine conversion rates among tobacco leaves from nine provinces. The total alkaloid content were ranked from high to low as Guangxi, Fujian, Hunan, Shandong, Guizhou, Liaoning, Yunnan, Henan and Sichuan, while the Anatabine, nornicotine, anabasine and myosmine; nicotine conversion rates were ranked as Sichuan, Henan, Liaoning, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan, Shandong, Fujian, Guangxi. There was a significant correlation between alkaloid content and sensory quality, and nicotine had largest influence on sensory quality, while there were significant negative correlations between nicotine and aroma, after taste, offensive odor, irritancy. But nicotine conversion rates had no significant correlation with sensory quality. There was a significant negative correlation between alkaloid and composite quality. There was no significant correlation between nicotine conversation and composite quality.


