

    Analysis on Heterosis of Major Agronomic and Yield Traits of Red Sun-cured Tobacco

    • 摘要: 以晒红烟不同品种为亲本配制杂交组合,经10 个F1 主要农艺性状和产质量性状杂种优势测定,结果表明,叶数、株高、节距多介于双亲之间,少数组合有超亲优势;叶长和叶宽、茎围大多数组合出现超亲现象,具有较强的超亲优势。叶数和株高多为负向优势;节距正、负向优势各占50%;叶长多为正向优势;叶宽和茎围全部为正向优势。经相关和回归分析,叶数、叶长、节距等性状与双亲平均值达极显著正相关;叶宽、茎围与双亲平均值呈显著相关;株高与双亲平均值无显著相关。产量有较强的超亲优势;级指介于双亲之间,正负超亲同时出现。


      Abstract: Different crosses of red sun-cured tobacco were made and the heterosis of major agronomic and yield traits of 10 F1 were studied. The results showed that the heterosis of leaf number, plant height and intermodal distance were among parents, several crosses had heterosis over parent. Leaf length, leaf width and stem girth had significant heterosis over parent. Most of leaf number and plant height had negative heterosis. Positive and negative heterosis of intermodal distance was each 50%. Most of leaf length had positive heterosis. All leaf width and stalk circumference had positive heterosis. The results of correlation and regression analysis showed that leaf width and stalk circumference were significantly correlated with the average parents. Plant height had no significant correlation with the average parents. Yields had strong heterosis over parent.


