Studies on the Inheritance of Corolla Tips in Tobacco
摘要: 对烟草花冠尖部特征为无的品种丸叶和花冠尖部特征为有的品种Coker319 进行正交、反交、自交及回交后,各世代花冠尖的遗传表现进行分析,结果表明:丸叶和Coker319 的花冠尖的遗传受一对显性核基因控制。Abstract: Tips of corolla of tobacco which is absent is characterized by some variety of Wanye and which is present is characterized by some variety of Coker319, through their crossing, anti-cross, self- and back-crossing, the various generations of genetic Corolla sharp performance results of the analysis showed that the inheritance of tips of corolla in tobacco was controlled by a dominant genetic nuclear genes.