

    Breeding and Evaluation of a New Flue-cured Tobacco Variety Zhongyan103 and its Characteristics

    • 摘要: 中烟103是从红花大金元中获得变异株,经系统选育而成的。该品种植株结构合理,遗传性状稳定,田间长势强,易烘烤;耐TMV、CMV、PVY,中抗黑胫病,气候斑点病轻,中感根结线虫病,感青枯病和赤星病;其主要经济性状比对照品种NC89、K326或红花大金元有不同程度的提高;烤后原烟橘黄色烟比例高,结构疏松,身份中等,油分有-多,色度强-浓,外观品质总体性状优于对照品种K326;化学成分含量适宜,比例协调,与对照品种K326相比,糖、钾含量略高,烟碱、总氮含量略低。感官评吸与K326质量档次相当。中烟103是一个质量、产量、抗病较能兼顾的具有红花大金元香气特征的烤烟新品种,2007年通过全国烟草品种审定委员会审定。


      Abstract: A new flue-cured variety zhongyan103 was developed by systematic selection from a mutant of honghua dajinyuan. The genetic traits of zhongyan103were stable and the plants grew uniformly and strongly in field. It was easier to cure than honghua dajinyuan. Zhongyan103 was resistant to TMV, CMV and PVY,moderately resistant to black shank, moderately susceptible to root knot nematode, susceptible to bacterial wilt and brown spot, yet less susceptible to tobacco weather fleck. Its main economic characters were better than the check(NC89, K326 or honghua dajinyuan). The cured leaves were mainly in orangecolor, oily to rich in gummy, with loose structure, medium body, strong to deep colour intensity. Zhongyan103 demonstrated better appearance quality thanK326, and favorable chemical components in harmonious proportion, with higher contents of reducing sugar and potassium, yet lower contents of nicotine andtotal nitrogen. With consistent sensory quality to K326, Zhongyan103 was good in quality, yield and disease resistance, and featured similar flavor notes tohonghua dajinyuan. It passed the Chinese tobacco variety evaluation in 2007.


