

    Analysis on Several Specialized Curing Modes

    • 摘要: 探索专业化烘烤是现阶段我国烘烤工作的主要任务。从专业化烘烤模式的基本框架,分析了农场带动型、烘烤工场联动型和合作社一体化等3 种专业化烘烤模式的适宜范围,运行机制,并配合典型案例进行了对比分析。结果表明,合作社一体化烘烤模式符合现代烟草农业的基本要求,在运行机制、经济效益等方面优势明显,将是今后的主要发展方向。同时也指出了另外2 种烘烤模式存在的问题,并提出了完善措施。


      Abstract: It is a major task to explore the specialized curing at this stage. Three specialized curing modes, including farm driving mode, curing workshop linkage mode, and cooperative integration mode, were studied by means of contrast with examples from the basic framework, the appropriate range and operating mechanism. The results showed that the cooperative curing mode would be the future direction, because it had distinct advantage in operating mechanism and economic benefit, it also could match the requirement of constructing modern tobacco agriculture. In addition, some issues and solutions were also mentioned for the other two specialized curing modes.


