

    Spatial Variability of Chlorine in Hilly Tobacco Plantation Soils with Different Sampling Scales

    • 摘要: 研究植烟土壤氯素的空间变异特征,可以为山区烟田土壤养分的精确管理提供理论依据。以四川会理县烤烟生产示范基地为研究对象,采用地统计学方法结合GIS技术,对两个尺度下土壤氯素含量的空间变异性进行了研究。结果表明:(1)小尺度下,土壤氯素含量具有中等空间相关性,空间相关距离为828.5 m, 随机性和结构性因子对土壤氯素空间变异性影响各占一半;土壤氯素在NE45°方向上变异性较强;普通Kriging插值表明土壤氯素含量从东北至西南呈片状分布,与研究区域坡度、海拔呈显著负相关。(2)微尺度下,土壤氯素空间相关性弱,表现出纯块金效应,随机性因子是影响其空间变异的主要因素。


      Abstract: Spatial variability of chlorine in tobacco planting soils was invesitigated to provide theoretical basis for precision management of soil nutrients in hilly areas in Huili, Sichuan Province using geostatistical methods and GIS technique with two sampling scales. In the tobacco plantation at the small scale, the results analyzed by semivariograms indicated that chlorine content was moderately spatially dependent, the range of spatially dependent was 828.5 m, and both structural factors and the random factors equally affected the spatial variability of chlorine content. The results analyzed by anistropic semivariogram indicated that chlorine content had a stronger anisotropic structure in the aspect of NE45°. According to the Ordinary Kriging Method, the equivalence of chlorine content was distributed from northeast to southwest, and the chlorine content was negatively related to slop and elevation of the tobacco plantation. At the micro scale, the results analyzed by semivariograms indicated that the chlorine content showed the pure nugget effect, the spatial variability of chlorine content was fundamentally influenced by the random factors.


