

    New Technique of Grading and Purchasing of Loose Flue-cured Tobacco leaves

    • 摘要: 针对传统的扎把烤烟存在的烟叶等级纯度低、费工费时、易霉变等问题,探讨了新的烟叶分级和收购模式,即散叶分级与收购。该模式节省了分级扎把用工和费用,提高了工作效率,又避免了扎把环节中的掺杂使假和霉变现象,同时保证了烟叶等级质量,提高烟叶等级纯度,满足卷烟工业和烟叶出口贸易的需要。


      Abstract: Considering the problems of low purity of leaf grade, inefficiency, leaf mildew in the traditional grading and purchasing of handed flue-cured tobacco leaves, a new technique for grading and purchasing loose leaves was introduced in this paper. This new approach proved efficient and could reduce the falsification and leaf mildew in the hand tying process, increase grade quality and purity of tobacco leaves, and meet the requirement of tobacco export.


