

    Potassium Absorption and Utilization Efficiency and Absorption Kinetics of Flue-cured Tobacco Zhongchuan 208

    • 摘要: 为研究烤烟中川208对钾肥的需求规律,以云烟87为对照,研究了两者钾素吸收利用效率,积累分配特性及钾离子吸收动力学特征。结果表明:中川208对钾素吸收效率及利用率均显著高于云烟87。在移栽后28~84 d,中川208的钾素积累量显著大于云烟87,增幅为21.37%~111.76%;两个烤烟品种的钾素分配率均为叶>茎>根;中川208在移栽后28~70 d钾素积累速率显著高于云烟87,增幅为80.53%~546.63%。吸收动力学特征表明,与云烟87相比,中川208对钾离子的亲和力和吸收能力更强,吸收速率更高,耐低钾能力更强。综上,中川208对钾离子的高亲和吸收能力及吸收速率,使其钾素积累速率和积累量更大,进而提升了其对钾素的吸收效率和利用率,团棵期至现蕾期是其钾素吸收关键期。


      Abstract: In order to explore the demand pattern of potassium fertilizer for flue-cured tobacco variety Zhongchuan208, an experiment was conducted with Yunyan87 as the control, to investigate the absorption and utilization efficiency, accumulation and distribution characteristics, and the kinetic characteristics of potassium ion absorption of the two research materials. Results showed that the potassium absorption efficiency and utilization rate exhibited significantly higher in Zhongchuan208 than in Yunyan87. In the 28-84 days after transplanting, the potassium accumulation performed significantly higher in Zhongchuan208 than in Yunyan87, with an increase of 21.37%-111.76%. The potassium distribution rates in the two varieties followed the order of leaf>stem>root. In the 28-70 days after transplanting, the potassium accumulation performed significantly higher in Zhongchuan208 than in Yunyin87, with an increase of 80.53%-546.63%. Absorption kinetics showed that compared with Yunyan87, Zhongchuan208 behaved a stronger affinity and absorption capacity, and higher absorption rate for potassium ions, also a stronger tolerance to low potassium. In summary, the high affinity absorption capacity and absorption rate of Zhongchuan208 for potassium ions, led to a higher rate and level of potassium accumulation, thereby improving its absorption and utilization efficiency for potassium. The critical period for potassium absorption appeared from rosette to budding stage.


